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Celebrating The Summer Solstice

Celebrate Litha with Festive Foods and Drinks

Celebrating the Summer Solstice

As the Summer Solstice, also known as Litha, approaches, modern pagans prepare to celebrate with a feast. From honey and strawberries to vibrant yellow and red fruits and vegetables, there is a rich array of foods associated with this ancient festival.

Recipes for Litha

To recreate the abundant Midsummer harvest of ancient times, many hosts and attendees of summer solstice picnics and dinner parties turn to traditional recipes. These dishes incorporate grilled meats, bright and zippy vegetables, and refreshing beverages.

Significance of Litha

As one of the most significant sabbats on the pagan calendar, Litha marks a time for festivities and merriment. It represents the culmination of summer and the abundance of the harvest, making it a time for celebration and communal gatherings.
